Blockchain Expertise

Harness the power of crypto-asset investigation, anti-money laundering, and compliance features, all in one single comprehensive solution.

We serve as a one-stop shop on the web for all your cryptocurrency analytics needs

From compliance and risk-based assessment to on-chain data visualization and end-to-end monitoring. Our cloud-based blockchain monitoring and investigation solution is designed to bring trust and transparency across blockchain ecosystems.

Why choose our solution?
To ensure you meet regulatory requirements and stay up-to-date within fast-paced changing regulation environment
To strengthen your blockchain-based investigations and AML/CFT/KYT initiatives
To help you track a wide range of digital assets as a receiver or as an emitter (source/proof of funds)

Our solution is available to customers as a software-as-a-service (SaaS). The web service is secured through SSL encryption, so you need not worry about security when using our platform.

We also provides free proof of funds certificates for your transaction needs, and free support options, with our customer service always ready to respond to you within three business days.


Fully automated real-time cryptoasset transaction monitoring that traces funds across blockchains and assets. Automate your transaction screening and save time by only being alerted to activity that requires further action. Identify links to terrorist financing, sanctioned entities, and other illicit activity to deliver leading anti-money laundering compliance and protect your business from financial crime.

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View a full breakdown of the exact source or destination of funds in a single click. Decide to investigate a customer or generate a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) based on detailed risk insights. Obtain instant insights and a clear audit trail of wallet risk over time enable compliance analysts to view historical trends and ensure that decisions are backed by referenceable data.

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We can trace transactions across the entirety of the cryptoasset ecosystem concurrently, reducing time spent screening in individual assets. Set customized rules unique to your organization to ensure your compliance retains control while evaluating only necessary risk flags. Isolate where a transaction came from, or where it is being sent, by tracing through and across every major blockchain and asset concurrently to determine the ultimate source or destination of funds. View a full breakdown of the exact source or destinations of funds with a single click. Reveal the movement of assets as they pass through previously hidden pathways.

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Case management

Utilize our cutting-edge technology to access all resources and data necessary for powering diligent investigation, risk management, and compliance. Save your compliance analysts’ time when using our workflow features to review customer activity. Change the status of transactions and customers, add notes, and export data. Alternatively, integrate with your own case management system through our flexible API.

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